Banana Chocolate Baked Oats

The perfect chocolatey twist to your everyday porridge bowl. I love making this when I want something to satisfy my sweet tooth but is still nourishing! The banana adds a lovely natural sweetness.

low FODMAP chocolate baked oats.jpg

Takes: 25-30 minutes

Makes: 1 bowl


40g (GF) oats

1 banana

1 tsp cacao (or cocoa powder)

1 tsp maple syrup

1 tbsp yoghurt

¼ tsp (GF) baking powder

Handful of fresh or frozen blueberries

50ml unsweetened almond milk/milk of choice

You will need:

An oven

Oven proof dish


1. Pre-heat oven to 200C.

2. With the back of a fork mash ¾ banana.

3. Blend your dry ingredients: oats, cacao, and baking powder.

4. Mix your dry ingredients with the remaining ingredients: mashed banana, maple syrup, yoghurt, blueberries and milk.

5. Add your mixture to your oven proof dish and slice your remaining banana and layer on top.

5. Add to your oven and bake for 20-25 minutes or until reaches desired consistency.

Enjoy x

p.s. this recipe is low FODMAP - it is always recommended to seek advice from a health professional when following!

Low FODMAP guidance

Milks: if you have been advised to avoid lactose, you can try lactofree milks or a variety of nut milks such as almond/hazelnut or macademia - make sure they are calcium enriched!

Yoghurts: if you have been advised to avoid lactose, you can try lactofree yoghurts, coconut yoghurts or soya yoghurt (e.g. alpro plain; <125ml).

Banana: It is recommended to consume unripe bananas or <60g of ripe banana. This recipe works just as well when the banana is still firm.


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