Cinnamon roll oats

A delicious warming bowl of oats, with optional added protein to keep you fuller for longer.

low fodmap cinnamon oats .jpg

Time: 5-10 minutes

Makes: 1 porridge bowl


40-50g (GF oats)

220-250ml milk of choice

1 egg white (optional)

3/4 tsp ground cinnamon

1/4 tsp vanilla extract

1 tsp maple syrup (optional)

Topping suggestions:

Yoghurt of choice and blueberries

You will need

1 pan (if cooking on the stove)


1. Add porridge and milk to a pan and simmer on a low heat stirring occasionally.

2. When porridge is near to desired consistency, add your egg white and stir in for remaining approx. 30 seconds of cooking, until the egg white has turned completely white, and then take off the heat.

3. Once cooked add your remaining ingredients: cinnamon, vanilla extract and maple syrup.

4. Serve and add your toppings.

Enjoy x

p.s. this recipe is low FODMAP - it is always recommended to seek advice from a health professional when following!

Low FODMAP guidance

Milks: if you have been advised to avoid lactose, you can try lactofree milks or a variety of nut milks such as almond/hazelnut or macademia - make sure they are calcium enriched!

Yoghurts: if you have been advised to avoid lactose, you can try lactofree yoghurts, coconut yoghurts or soya yoghurt (e.g. alpro plain; <125ml).


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