Strawberries & Cream Overnight Oats

This is a delicious nourishing breakfast you can prep the night before for when you’re on the go.

low fodmap strawberries and cream overnight oats.jpg

Time: 5-10 minutes preparation. Overnight/8 hour storage

Makes: 1 bowl of overnight oats


4 strawberries chopped (approx. 90g)

1 scoop vanilla protein powder

120ml milk of choice

1 tbsp plain yoghurt of choice

40g (GF) oats

1 tbsp flaxseed (optional)

Topping Suggestions

Fresh Strawberries and Almond Butter

You will need

Blender or a hand blender

Spare Bowl

Container with a lid


1. Blend together the strawberries, protein powder, milk and yoghurt.

2. In a bowl combine the strawberry blend with the oats and flaxseed and mix.

3. Store in a sealed container and leave overnight, or for approx. 8 hours.

4. When ready to eat add your toppings.

Enjoy x

p.s. this recipe is low FODMAP - it is always recommended to seek advice from a health professional when following!

Low FODMAP guidance

Milks: if you have been advised to avoid lactose, you can try lactofree milks or a variety of nut milks such as almond/hazelnut or macadamia - make sure they are calcium enriched!

Yoghurts: if you have been advised to avoid lactose, you can try lactofree yoghurts, coconut yoghurts or soya yoghurt (e.g. alpro plain; <125ml).

Protein Powders: For low FODMAP protein powders opt for whey isolate or certified low fodmap proteins, try to opt for ones that don’t have a lot of added sugars or artificial sweeteners.

Flaxseed: A great way to add fibre to your breakfast, make sure you drink at least 200ml water at the same time as consuming.


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